Monday, January 24, 2011

crafty bitch.

my sincerest apologies for lack of posting. it seems as though i have been quite busy with (very) important tasks including, but not limited to: shoe shopping (to quote carrie, “i've spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live? i will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes!”), school (teaching myself french, trelawney be damned), furniture shopping, cooking (neither for pleasure nor money, barf), and some moderate to heavy crafting. 
although many of these activities are part of a weekly schedule (shoe shopping, duh) the addition of both furniture shopping and crafting are due to my building anxiousness regarding my current living situation. i need to get the hell out of the bear den, asap. i may or may not be going completely insane. i am therefore, furiously collecting/shopping/crafting for what i am currently calling my “hypothetical apartment”. so far, the furnishing and decorating of “hypothetical apartment” is going quite well. the walls have been hypothetically filled with frames, mirrors, jewelry displays, paintings, and various hanging items. the closets have been packed with clothes and are overflowing with shoes. i have a bed, a desk which will never be used (i mean, honestly, who uses a desk? for work? at home?), dressers, nightstands, whatever. a couch, real or imagined has yet to be purchased, but fortunately there is still time to find something, hypothetically speaking of course. i will be crafting like damn martha stewart until may/june/graduation/being hired/learning how to use a stripper pole at an establishment to be named “strippers plus” featuring overweight exotic dancers/killing my parents and gaining a large inheritance/marrying rich. because i know you were wondering, oreo has been more of a hinderance than a help through the crafting process as her paws have yet to correctly grip a sewing needle or paintbrush, though i am considering dipping her feet in paint and letting her walk on a canvas (too much? crazy cat lady? i already know the answer?). i guess i really am a crafty bitch because i just filled an entire paragraph with the “crafting is so strenuous” ruse and you’ve fallen for my cleverly worded ploy (insert witch cackle/my laugh here).
what was that? you want to see some of my craftiness? you want to tell me how amazing i am in the comment area below? alright, but please remember i’m quite bashful.

fine jewels

various crafty items, 3 "paintings" and preschool-y monogram hanging letters

navy pillow + ratty old t-shirt, minor sewing skills and (i'm not going to lie) a ton of fabric glue

work in progress, could be cute, could eventually make me want to barf...


  1. You cook and clean and do crafts, but will you do my laundry? I’m down to my last pair of underwear here, turning them inside out and wearing them again. I need help!

    picture #1 – wtf is that? it looks like a Native American dream catcher

    picture #2 – these paintings would go great in my apartment. Maybe you should consider moving back to Macon =)

    picture #3 – You and my mom would be best friends

    picture #4 – I really don’t have anything to say about this but since you made it I think it’s the most intriguing modern art masterpiece I have ever seen you should win an award for being so creative and awesome at craft making!

  2. Lauren! I love the picture frame/jewelry holder and the pillow...i am so jealous of your crafting skills. Love, your favorite ginger snap

  3. you got some cute shit girl. i especially love that jewelry!!
